Cebu South Rd, South Granada, Boljoon +63 (905) 502-7282        

Oslob-Boljoon History Tour

Visualize History

We encourage all our guests to experience the local area of Boljoon and Oslob.Just a short distance away by tricycle motor taxi or bus you can easily spend the whole day lost in the beauty and history of this area.


Walking History Tour

While you pass through it on the bus or by car, Boljoon can look just like any other sleepy coastal fishing village, but this little village is hiding some spectacular history.

Over looking the ocean and arguably one of the easiest land marks to spot is the picturesque Catholic church.  This stunning piece of architecture was declared a Natural Cultural Treasure in 2001 by the National Museum of the Philippines and is currently under consideration as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the Philippines!

Just next to the church is the Escuela Catolica, where traditional children were taught to ready and write.  The building is still used to house candidate for first communion each year during the month of May.  The twin stair case featured on the front is both stunning and practical.  One side is for the boys and the other the girls communicants.


With the chain of Baluartes (watch towers) extending south, there are a total of 6 baluartes along the coastline of Oslob.  One such tower, built in 1788, now sits in ruins along the Oslob Waterfront park.  These watch towers proved to be so effective against invaders such as the Moro Pirates that in 1815 the townspeople were able to repel such an attack.  Ever since this date they have been living in peace. 

In the current town of Oslob sits the church of the Immaculate Conception. The cut coral building was constructed in 1830 and took 18 years to complete, with the adjacent bell tower added in 1858.  During the Second World War the church was used as a POW camp by the Japanese.  The church was subsequently burned down, freeing Philippines Commonwealth troops and Cebuano guerillas in 1945, later restored in 1955.  Opposite the church are the remains of the Cuartel.  Like many of the 19th century buildings in Cebu the cuartel is constructed from coral blocks, but never completed.

These are only a few of the highlights from the area.  Please stop by the Boljoon Municiple for their self-guided history tour map to see some of the other historical landmarks around Boljoon.